The sprites of Sonic.EXE in Amy's Easter Egg is actually Sonic, using sprites from The Simon Wai and Nick Arcade Sonic 2 prototype.RockyBro10 - on the other hand - had suggested "A Bad Future Awaits", which he believes is relevant considering how the events of Oldum77.EXE: The Finale events take place some time after said game.
EXE versions of Amy, Cream and Sally only exist to feed Respiro's passion. Pico had suggested "Sweet Passion", based on Amy's theme song from Sonic Adventure and how the.As such, some side-names had been thought up of by friends of Oldum.As it turns out, Sally.EXE was originally created by DeviantArt user " b-vis" who revealed that the creepypasta was made by a former friend of his, but who had made a copypasta of a video made by Chinelin called " SONIC".SuperNG has since moved on from creepypasta material after a lot of people had begged him to make more of those.

The only way out of here is to drown in the cold water. The game will glitch out before cutting to black, and text will appear. Go forward while avoiding the Speed Monitors, and jump in the hole. Instead, use the Spin Dash to go on the other side of the wall. When playing as Cream, don't hit the Speed Monitor.At the end of the level, Sonic.EXE will chase you, and you'll be taken to the Special Stage. Once you see a bronze Warp Ring, jump in there. Instead, walk forward and you'll be taken somewhere else. When playing as Amy, don't jump into the silver Warp Ring.Robotnik, he proceeds to kill Amy Rose, Cream the Rabbit and Sally Acorn to increase his power. After Respiro had killed Miles "Tails" Prower, Knuckles the Echidna and Dr.